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do. work. better.

there's a sickness in this world and it has been around much longer than a virus. it keeps people of colour further away from positions of leadership and allows privilege to reign. 

no longer can we expect those who need our efforts to teach us how to do better. we can help one another and create environments that allow everyone to thrive.

because none of us are truly free to succeed

until all of us are.

to About

this bitch. 

me? I am a white lady who has gone my entire life benefitting from white supremacy. not because I attended private schools, not because I knew how to flirt out of a traffic ticket, but because of the skin I live in. as a trained observer of my own life and the world around me (theatre actor over here), I know how I got here. I understand that my whiteness has allowed me to not only make the mistakes I have been seen for, but to recover from the ones that I have not. the doors that have been opened by my skin have led me to help some of the best in their creations. I have helped run a recording studio, open multiple restaurants in manhattan and assist heads of businesses run the things they knew could change the world.

I know strategy, I know work and I want to help.

what I believe ODC can do is keep us accountable. this is a new day and we can't go back. we cannot do things the way we have ever done them before and I personally refuse to handle anymore heartbreak. what's most important here is that it is absolutely NOT the job of any person of colour. we cannot ask those that are still fighting to survive the world we created to fix it. ODC is a resource towards an equitable path for you and your company. it can be your chief of staff, your eyes on the ground and an honest mirror to the kind of work you want to do in the world.


so, here I am. I am offering myself because there will not be anymore excuses as to why we "simply cannot".

to Services

what she do

I'll get you organised.

with many years of assisting C-level leadership and establishing new business, I can get your shit together. from administrative to strategy, I am walking in with a set of skills to get you going. whether it's helping to build something from the ground up or coming in to revamp a well-oiled machine, I can keep you equitable and efficient.

keep my eyes out.

I can see racism. we all really can, but I am not afraid to call it out as I see it. I can take a look at what you are doing and explore the steps towards eradication and prevention of racism from entering the workplace. together we can put equity, empathy and education first in the new world.

we can have a plan.

it's not enough to shake things up, follow-through is everything. we can map out a plan to make sure anti-racism is in everything you do. it's not about being perfect right away, it's about the long game and creating paths for those after you. let me help keep

everyone on track. 

Jahmia Phillips, cinematographer 

"I felt heard when working with Grace. They helped me get my schedule organized and find my voice when communicating with clients. "


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